• CANYS Virtual Roundtable with NY Health Plan Association

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    Name: CANYS Virtual Roundtable with NY Health Plan Association
    Date: January 12, 2023
    Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
    Registration: Register Now
    Event Description:

    The New York Health Act: What Does it Mean for Employers, Taxpayers & the Health Care System?
    While New York stands on the verge of universal coverage with more than 97% of residents with coverage, advocates for the New York Health Act continue to push for the creation of a government-run single-payer health care system in the state.  The proposal would eliminate all private health insurance coverage and would result in more than $250 billion in new taxes, with 80% paid by employers.  Additionally, it would eliminate 160,000 jobs statewide and likely result in lower reimbursement rates for physicians and hospitals.
     The meeting will feature a presentation from Eric Linzer, President & CEO of the NY Health Plan Association that will highlight the financial impact of the New York Health Act on employers, taxpayers and the health care system and discuss efforts underway to educate policymakers on the problems with creating a government-run system, and how chambers can get involved.


    Topic: CANYS Virtual Roundtable with NY Health Plan Association
    Time: Jan 12, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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    Passcode: 373492
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    Meeting ID: 810 2093 6977
    Passcode: 373492


    Date/Time Information:
    Thursday, January 12 at 10:00am
    Contact Information:
    There is No Charge for this Virtual Roundtable but registration is appreciated
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